The project Human Cities. Challenging the City Scale, where I take part representing Group X at the Department of Architecture at Aalto University, has just been released online:
Human Cities is a concept created in 2006 by the Belgian association Pro Materia and co-funded from 2014-2018 by the Creative Europe Programme of The European Union. It is a platform of interdisciplinary exchanges. This European network is about exploring the way in which the inhabitants reclaim the constantly evolving contemporary city (especially through experiments in the urban space) and ways of (re)inventing city life, as sources of wellbeing and quality of life. These structural changes are impacting both people and places like shops in town and city centres. Today this project is led by Cité du Design from Saint-Étienne.
Human Cities network highlights 13 strong and shared values: Empathy, Wellbeing, Sustainability, Intimacy, Conviviality, Mobility, Accessibility, Imagination, Leisure, Aesthetics, Sensoriality, Solidarity, Respect.
Human Cities shared all theses values with strong Partners such as: La Cité du Design (FR) – Politecnico di Milano (IT) – Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (SI) – Clear Village (UK) – Zamek Cieszyn (PL) – Association Design Week Belgrade (RS) – Pro Materia (BE) – Aalto University (FI) – FH Joanneum (AT) – Association of Estonian designers (EST) – Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia Beaz (ES) – CultureLab (BE).
The Human Cities project is planned according to different programs of which the first is “Human Cities State of the Art” from November 2014 until September 2015. The 6 following programs are “Experiment labs” from April 2015 until April 2017, “User experience and analysis of experimentation results” from March 2016 until June 2017, “Productions, dissemination and public outreach” from January 2015 until September 2018, “Meeting the audiences and organizing public events” from March 2015 until September 2018, “Human Cities Masterclasses” from April 2016 until May 2018 and “Management” & “Communication” from October 2014 until September 2018.
You can get more information about the project here.