Research paper awarded at the 14th Spanish Biennial

The research paper “Architecture in Suspension. Disruptive practices within the state of exception”, written in coauthorship with Francisco G. Triviño and published in the journal Architectural Research in Finland, has been awarded at the 14th Spanish Biennal of Architecture and Urbanism (BEAU) within the category of Research Papers. The…

Juhani Pallasmaa, guest critic in TIO studio final review

The final review of the Building Design studio course Thinking Incubator in Otaniemi will be held next Tuesday May 15th at 13:15 at Aalto University Department of Architecture, with Juhani Pallasmaa, Antti Ahlava and Toni Kotnik as guest critics. The event is part of Aalto Festival 2018 group of…

Exit School of Architecture exhibition catalogue

The exhibition “Exit School of Architecture” was held in September 12-29, 2017 in the Dipoli building on the Otaniemi campus, within Human Cities Helsinki 2017, the group of activities held at Aalto University last September as part of the European project Human Cities_Challenging the City Scale 2014-2018. The Exit…

Thinking Incubator in Otaniemi Spring 2018 studio course

Building Design studio – Spring Semester 2018
Aalto University Department of Architecture

ETH Zurich’s Dietmar Eberle at Aalto University (recap)

Dietmar Eberle, Professor of Architecture and Design at ETH Zurich Department of Architecture and founding partner of Baumschlager Eberle Architekten, visited Aalto University last October to give a lecture titled ‘200 100 50 20 10’ at the Department of Architecture. A recap on his visit can be read here.

Lecture and workshop by Ecosistema Urbano within DM in AU course

Aalto University Department of Architecture

Lecture and workshop by Kune Office within DM in AU course

Aalto University Department of Architecture

Lecture by Dietmar Eberle within DM in AU course

19.10.2017, 15:00
Undergraduate Centre, Otakaari 1X, lecture hall A1

DM in AU – Design Methods in Aalto University

Design Methods in Architecture and Urbanism course
Aalto University Department of Architecture