Interview in 02#UNTAGGED Master in Collective Housing

The book 02#UNTAGGED: Inhabiting according to the context by MCH Master of Advanced Studies in…

Review of Arquitectura de la soledad in Arquilecturas

The book Arquitectura de la soledad, co-edited with Rosana Rubio and published by Ediciones Asimétricas,…

Club de Lectura Asimétrico reading club

On Tuesday 23rd, World Book Day, I will take part in the presentation of the book Arquitectura de la soledad…

New book Architecture of loneliness and solitude

The book Arquitectura de la soledad (Architecture of loneliness and solitude), co-edited by Rosana Rubio and Fernando Nieto as the result of our research at Tampere University, has just been published by Ediciones Asimétricas. The book brings together ten essays that explore the intricate relationship between the experiences of…

COAM correspondent in Finland 2024

In January I have been nominated again corresponent in Finland of the Professional Association of Architects in Madrid during 2024 after a selection process. The full list of all COAM correspondents can be found here.

SPREAD research group at Tampere University

SPREAD (Spatial & Speculative Research in Architectural Design) is a research group recently created at Tampere University School of Architecture (Faculty of Built Environment). It is part of the Architectural Design and Sustainable Housing research cluster together with ASUTUT Sustainable Housing Design. SPREAD’s aim is seeking for new ways…

LOBE seminar at Tampere University

We at SPREAD research group are hosting the LOBE seminar – Loneliness and the Built Environment. Philosophical, Societal and Technological Perspectives, organised by Rosana Rubio and me. The seminar will be held at the Tampere University School of Architecture (Faculty of Built Environment) on December 16th, 2019. All the…

New award for School as a Service project

The School as a Service project, in whose conceptual development I took part as Group X’s member during my time at Aalto University (2014-18), has recently been awarded with one of the prizes at Human City Design Award 2019 in Seoul Design Week. More information can be found here…

ETSAVA’s 50 Anniversary. Time and Architecture

The exhibition ETSAVA’s 50 Anniversary. TIME and ARCHITECTURE is opened today at the Museum of Universidad de Valladolid (MUVa). It showcases a selection of built and awarded works by alumni at the School of Architecture in Valladolid (ETSAVA) in the last 50 years, among them the Municipal Civic Centre…

ATUT 2019 at Tampere University

The 11th Annual Symposium of Architectural Research ATUT 2019 will be held at Tampere University in October 3-4, 2019 with the topic Architecture and City as a Home. The Call for Papers to take part in the conference has just been launched. Abstracts can be sent by April 18th….