On Monday December 14th the seminar JOT-Flexible Learning Places on new learning environments will be held at Urban Mill, based on the concept of JOT project (Joustavat Oppimisen Tilat), and organized by the City of Espoo and Group X at the Department of Architecture of Aalto University. The full data of the whole event are:
JOT-Flexible Learning Places seminar
City of Espoo, http://www.espoo.fi
Group X, Department of Architecture, Aalto University, http://www.groupxaalto.fi
External Guests
Stephen Heppell, http://www.heppell.net
Teemu Tuomi, NRT Architects, http://www.n-r-t.fi
Urban Mill – Aalto University
Otaniemi Campus
Betonimiehenkuja 5
02150 Espoo, Finland
Date and hour
December 14th, 2015, 09:00-15:00
09:00 JOT Workshop
Introduction. Fernando Nieto
City of Espoo, Sampo Suihko + Aalto University, Jarmo Suominen + Stephen Heppell
Lecture by Stephen Heppell: New Learning Environments
Development from JOT to SaaS
JOT parameters defining new learning environments for SaaS concept
1. Accessibility: physical, virtual and social
2. Flexibility: physical, virtual and social
3. Ownership: physical, virtual and social
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Final review Flexible Learning Places studio course
JOT parameters in systemic solution
Labs for Learners studio course (6 students; 20 min./student)
Teachers: Jarmo Suominen, Antti Ahlava, Fernando Nieto
Guest critics: Stephen Heppell, Teemu Tuomi, Tiina Riihimäki
15:00 End of event
New systemic learning environments fostering value co-creation and social learning. What are they? How these environments could be developed and designed? What are the characteristics of physical, virtual and social solutions? What to build and why?
The final review of the studio course at Master’s level Labs for Learners will be held as a part of the event at Urban Mill premises. The course is a continuation of the summer workshop held in Otaniemi and London as a collaboration between Aalto University and the Royal College of Art in London.
The studio course Labs for Learners is aiming for the development of more engaging learning experiences, better learning outcomes and inspiring learning environments, with a specific aim to develop a school as a service for those schoolchildren and teachers in Espoo whose own school is under repair. Learning services and environments will be developed as an ecosystem of resources. This ecosystem will include shared spaces that minimise fixed structures and allow schools to change tools and methods and adapt more flexible approaches to the curriculum and pedagogy. Resources will be invested where they support better learning outcomes and allow the school to optimise its activities. The summer workshop and studio course are the think tanks for the actual implementation of the project in the Puu2 building (Tekniikantie 3) in Otaniemi, based on a collaboration with the City of Espoo.
More information in the Group X website.