The studio course at Master’s level Labs for Learners will start next Thursday September 10th at the Department of Architecture. The course is a continuation of the summer workshop held in Otaniemi and London as a collaboration between Aalto University and the Royal College of Art in London.
The studio course Labs for Learners is aiming for the development of more engaging learning experiences, better learning outcomes and inspiring learning environments, with a specific aim to develop a school as a service for those schoolchildren and teachers in Espoo whose own school is under repair. Learning services and environments will be developed as an ecosystem of resources. This ecosystem will include shared spaces that minimise fixed structures and allow schools to change tools and methods and adapt more flexible approaches to the curriculum and pedagogy. Resources will be invested where they support better learning outcomes and allow the school to optimise its activities. The summer workshop and studio course are the think tanks for the actual implementation of the project in the Puu2 building (Tekniikantie 3) in Otaniemi, based on a collaboration with the City of Espoo.
Teachers: Jarmo Suominen, Antti Ahlava, Fernando Nieto. More information in the Group X website.