The workshop and subsequent studio course Labs for Learners will be held in the campus of Otaniemi at Aalto University and the Royal College of Art in London during the last week of August and the first week of September. Group X from the Department of Architecture at Aalto University will organize it in collaboration with the Royal College of Art in London.
The studio aims for a new solution for those schoolchildren and teachers in Espoo whose own school is under repair. The workshop will be the think tank for the actual implementation of the project in a building in the campus of Otaniemi, based on a collaboration with the City of Espoo.
Organizers: Department of Architecture, Aalto University + Royal College of Art, London
Coordination: Group X, Department of Architecture, Aalto University
Workshop dates & venues: August 24-28 (Otaniemi) + September 1-4 (London)
After the workshop, the studio continues in Otaniemi through the autumn term
Teachers & tutors: Dan Phillips, Jaana Tarma, Jarmo Suominen, Antti Ahlava, Fernando Nieto