The Architectural Design course at Master’s level with the topic MAD Helsinki. Museum of Architecture and Design in Helsinki started on January 7, 2019 at Tampere University Unit of Architecture. The course is held in collaboration with Aalto University Department of Architecture and the Museum of Finnish Architecture in Helsinki.
What is the role of Architecture in the museum sector and the exhibition premises? What is the meaning of exhibition space nowadays? What is the dialectics between content and container when exhibiting Architecture and Design in a public building? How do physical and virtual exhibition spaces interact between each other in a museum nowadays? How can we contribute to the debate on the exhibition of Architecture and Design through the architectural project?
Teachers: Fernando Nieto, Jenni Poutanen, Maria Ahokas, Susanna Elmnäinen, Antti Moisala, Teemu Paasiaho, Sanna Peltoniemi.
Picture: South Harbour. Helsinki. 1975 [SKY-FOTO Möller. Helsinki City Museum]