The studio course on Building Design at Master’s level with the topic Psychiatric Hospital in Laakso (Helsinki) will start next Tuesday September 12th at Aalto University Department of Architecture.
The Building Design Studio task is to design a conceptual scheme for a new psychiatric hospital building to the hospital campus in the Laakso district in Helsinki. The studio is organized in collaboration with Sotera Institute and HUS. The assignment allows the student to become acquainted with the complexities of facilities intended for large scale health care buildings. The design tasks consist of 125000 m2 massing design (including existing protected buildings on the site) and 25000 m2 more detailed design (consisting of psychiatric hospital and forensic psychiatric department). The building should reflect the identity of new health care spaces. Strong emphasis is put on the innovativeness and architectural quality of the hospital building as well as the adaptation of the building to the surrounding environment.
Teachers: Pirjo Sanaksenaho, Sari Lehtonen, Fernando Nieto, Ville Hara, Toni Kotnik.