Interview in 02#UNTAGGED Master in Collective Housing

Participation in interview-conversation ‘Before and after MCH: A cross conversation’ in the book 02#UNTAGGED: Inhabiting according to the context (pp. 188-191), published by the MCH Master of Advanced Studies in Collective Housing from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and ETH Zurich, on personal experience during and after MCH 2006 and…

Lecture on doctoral dissertation at COAM

Next Monday October 15th I will give a lecture at the Professional Association of Architects in Madrid (COAM), within the 2nd lecture series on doctoral dissertations, organised by Fundación Arquitectura COAM and aiming at showcasing doctoral dissertations defended at Madrid Schools of Architecture in the last years. The event…

ETH Zurich’s Dietmar Eberle at Aalto University (recap)

Dietmar Eberle, Professor of Architecture and Design at ETH Zurich Department of Architecture and founding partner of Baumschlager Eberle Architekten, visited Aalto University last October to give a lecture titled ‘200 100 50 20 10’ at the Department of Architecture. A recap on his visit can be read here.

Lecture by Dietmar Eberle within DM in AU course

19.10.2017, 15:00
Undergraduate Centre, Otakaari 1X, lecture hall A1

Final review Superimposed Verticality studio course

Next Tuesday May 16th at 15:00 we will have the final review of the studio course at Master’s level Superimposed Verticality – Studio Hong Kong at Aalto University Department of Architecture (Architecture workshop, Paja building, Metallimiehenkuja 4). The Final Review for the course Superimposed Verticality – Studio Hong Kong…