Next Friday October 23th I will participate in the 7th Annual Symposium of Architectural Research in Finland ATUT 2015 ARCHI+TECTONICS Architecture, Communities and Cities under Change, with the presentation titled “Architecture in Suspension. Disruptive Practices within the State of Exception”, based on the homonym paper written with Francisco G. Triviño. The conference is organized by the Department of Architecture at Aalto University, the Department of Architecture at Tampere University of Technology and the School of Architecture of Oulu, and will be held on October 22nd-24th in the Department of Architecture at Aalto University, in the main building of the Otaniemi campus (Otakaari 1).
The theme ARCHI+TECTONICS covers a variety of contemporary discussions in architectural research, from architectural design at all scales to the context of urban planning and development. Abstracts and papers are included in the following thematic areas:
1 Structural intelligence: new methods and materials
2 Cultural heritage: changing ideas and ideals
3 Sustainability and resilience: how to manage change
4 Bridging the gap: knowledge by design and by research
5 Learning from wood: tectonics old and new
6 Mapping the future: ideas and technologies for planning
7 Places and identities: Living in a world of change
8 Challenges in planning theory: conflict, consensus or cooperation
9 Landscape and ecosystem services: a new mind-set
Our paper fits into the thematic area 4 “Bridging the gap: knowledge by design and by research”:
Research by design or practice-based research has for some time been seen as a promising alternative in knowledge production, making inquiry within practice more visible and communicating it with the more traditional endeavours of research. On the other hand, knowledge and critical thinking has become crucial in informing practice, where traditional concepts, doctrines and values no longer seem to be valid. Can we finally bridge the gap between design and academic research; what could academic architecture be like?
More information on the conference ATUT 2015 here.